• Airbnb, Snapgoods and 12 More Pioneers Of The ‘Share Economy’


    In what is called collaborative consumption, the sharing economy or peer economy, owners rent out something they are not using, such as a car, house or bicycle to a stranger using these peer-to-peer services…

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  • The Sharing Company


    “Behind the hype of peer-to-peer economics is a quiet B2B revolution.” Since the mid-2000s, the so-called sharing economy has grown from almost nothing to a pool of global businesses valued in the billions of dollars. The concept—people using technology to find and purchase one another’s extra resources—represents a triumph of trust and crowdsourcing. Peer-to-peer financial…

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  • Small businesses sharing resources with other companies


    The majority of UK start-ups are clubbing together to share core business functions with other companies, according to a study. Some 55 per cent of early-stage companies identify sharing resources with other businesses as ‘essential’ to business survival, finds a survey by Zipcar in partnership with StartUp Britain and Ashridge Business School. The research surveyed more…

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