- Eliminated 40% of all fixed expenses-both operating and non-operating
- Reduced rent expense by 60%
- Helped off set expenses of Accu-tec by 20%
- Has been profitable for last 5 years

- Operating expenses reduced 23% in first 12 months
- Eliminated back office functions of IT, HR and Financial/Accounting
- Has experienced improving profits for 4 consecutive years
- Eliminated phone systems, Computer system, Material Handling Equipment and Trucks
- Had second best financial year in the history of the company – 2015

- Eliminated need to focus on back office business needs to concentrate on customer development
- New accessibility to other B4B member companies – 7 total member companies now using REB’s services at the fraction of the cost of a full-time executive and/or agency

- Reduced the cost of a key marketing person by 2/3, with no drop in performance